Tuesday 18 July 2017

The Official Death's Head of the Marvel Universe

Continuing the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Marvel's very own Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, Death's Head, I decided to put together this unofficial entry for the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe... in a style which fits with the 80's version of the book (which Death's Head was never featured, to my knowledge). The text is from the Death's Head entry* on the Marvel Wikia site, and the artwork is from Panini's Death's Head Collection, Volume One (pencils by me, inks by David Roach.)

* If you wrote the text featured on the Wikia page, let me know and I'll credit you, yes?

Friday 14 July 2017

Happy 30th Anniversary Death's head!

Transformers #113, Death's
Head's debut appearance.
Cover by Geoff Senior.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the creation of one of the greatest UK comic characters of all-time, Death's Head! Created by writer Simon Furman and artist Geoff Senior, Death's Head made his debut appearance in Marvel UK's Transformers issue 113. Since then, he has appeared in many different forms and incarnations... but it is the original that has endured in the hearts of fans. Here is a piece of artwork I've produced, which is a homage to Geoff Senior's cover to TF 113. 
On a personal note, it's been a dream come true as a long time fan turned professional comic artist to have been able to contribute to the history of Death's Head, even if in just a small way. So I'd like to say a huge "Thank you" to Stubbies Furman and Senior for giving us such a memorable character... I have a feeling this Freelance peacekeeping Agent will be in business for many years to come!

Artwork by Stubbie Williams, yes?

Monday 3 July 2017

Attack Eyebrows

I'm going to miss Peter Capaldi when he steps away from the Tardis in the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special. Peter is my favourite Doctor Who (even over Tom Baker, and I never thought that would happen!), and have really enjoyed his time as the Doctor. Here's a late night sketch I did last night, of the 12th Doctor.

Thank you Peter Capaldi! May those Attack Eyebrows never dull, and bottle tops beware all over time and space for many years to come!

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor.