Tuesday 28 August 2012

For Jack....

To celebrate what would have been Jack Kirby's 95th birthday... here is my own homage to INCREDIBLE HULK #1, published years ago in 1966 (using an update of my Gray Hulk image I posted a few days ago). This is for you, Jack!

Happy birthday Jack Kirby

Today would have been legendary comic creator Jack Kirby's 95th birthday. Jack was the co-creator of many of Marvel Comics' most memorable characters such as the Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, The X-Men and the Avengers... and was an artist whose creative talent and imagination was unparalleled. So I'd like to take this opportunity to say happy birthday to the undisputed King of comics... and give my thanks to the many years of joy and inspiration his work gave me. God bless Jack... I'm sure you're working at your big drawing board in the sky while smoking that trademark stogie. :)

Thursday 23 August 2012

Fifty Shades Of HULK!

The REAL Mr. Gray.... aka the Incredible Hulk! Drawn in Manga Studio, from a sketch I drew a couple of days ago.

Original Sketch (check out the Spidey Note Paper!)

New version... drawn using Smith Micro's excellent MANGA