Thursday, 9 August 2018

Death's Head - Iron Man #126 Homage Cover

Here's a new Death's Head pic from yours truly, yes? It's a homage to John Romita Jr. and Bob Layton's iconic cover to Iron Man issue 126 (one of my favourite covers of all-time!). I had the idea to do this years ago, so have finally got round to doing it. Hope you like it, yes?

Artwork by Simon Williams, after
John Romita Jr. and Bob Layton.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

See, here's the Thing...

Here's the Thing how he originally looked in the first couple of issues of the Fantastic Four, before he evolved into the Blue-eyed idol of millions we know and love today!

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Happy birthday BEANO!

This week marks the 80th birthday of Britains (maybe the Worlds?) longest running comic, the Beano! First published in 1938 by D.C. Thomson and co., the Beano has entertained readers for generations... with their line of classic characters including the Bash Street Kids, Roger the Dodger, Minnie the Minx and of course, Dennis the Menace and Gnasher! These characters still frequent the pages of the Beano, entertaining today's readers as they have done for decades. I've been a long-time fan of the Beano (and a card carrying member of the Dennis the Menace fan-club since 1981!), and treasure the memories of those classic comics, especially at Christmas time when I would get the Beano Book every year under the tree.

So a very happy birthday to the Beano... here's to another 80 years of fun, mirth and laughter!

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Steve Ditko: 1927-2018.

The comics world is mourning the loss of Spider-man co-creator Steve Ditko, who passed away a couple of days ago. The sad news, which was released today marks a huge loss to the comics industry, as Steve was undoubtably one of the all-time greats. It was his work on Spider-man, plus his Hulk run on Tales to Astonish that will always stick with me... those issues keeping me company for many hours during my childhood, and remaining favourites to this day. This is a tribute piece dedicated to Steve as a thank you for the memories and inspiration that his work has given myself and many others during his long and illustrious career.
Thank you, Mr. Ditko... may you rest in peace.

Tribute artwork by Simon Williams, dedicated to the late, great Steve Ditko.
Black and white variant version in top corner.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Leakin' Lubricants!

Here's one of my favourite Transformers... Generation One Ironhide, drawn in the style of the classic Transformers Universe handbook from Marvel. A big part of my love for this character has to be the voice he had in the G1 cartoon (portrayed by Optimus Prime himself, Peter Cullen)!

Alt Modes by Ian Akin and Brian Garvey from the Official Transformers Universe handbook.

"That's right, Spike... for once it ain't the Hulk!"

"Hulk loves Bambi!"

Now here's a blast from the past! I drew these pages way back in 1998 while studying at university... twenty years ago! These were inked completely with a fine Windsor and Newton brush in Indian Ink, and coloured using watercolours. I decided to re-letter these in Photoshop (due to my awful hand lettering at the time!). I hope you enjoy this classic Hulk from yours truly!

Hulk vs Thing... Updated!

In a follow up to my Hulk vs. Thing post (where I proudly brag talk about how my artwork is the first thing that shows up if you type "Hulk vs Thing" into Google... something that still blows my mind considering the legends that have drawn ol' Greenskin fighting bashful Benjy!), I decided to redraw and ink that panel from Spectacular Spider-man Adventures issue 100 ( the original was inked by Simon Ecob). Here it is... hope you Gamma-powered Hulksters and Yancy Street gang yahoos like it!

In the mighty Marvel tradition... the ever lovin'
idol of Yancy Street versus the Green Goliath!
Art and colours by Simon Williams. 

The original panel from Spectacular Spider-man
#100. Pencils by Simon Williams, inks by Simon
Ecob and colours by Maria Keene.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Hulk vs Death's Head - the COMPLETE strip!

More than a few folks who follow me on Twitter have enquired about where they may purchase the original Hulk vs Death's Head strip, which was printed in a VERY limited run of my Soulman Inc Sketch-book back in 2009. Since said book is long out of print, I thought I'd treat you guys to the strip... as it was originally published in it's entirety! So put on your purple pants, get a packet of Jelly babies... and enjoy, yes?

Page 2
Page 3
Page 5
Page 4, yes?

Page 7
Page 6

Page 8
Page 9

Page 10

Page 13
Page >Vwoorp< 12

Page 15
Page 14

"Me Grimlock munch metal!"
Page 16

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Green and Grey

Here are the colours for my recent "Swamp Hulk" artwork. I've done two versions... one with Hulk and his famously known green skin, and the other featuring his original, grey hue. While the green is how he appeared in the Incredible Hulk #2, I feel the Grey Hulk would be perfectly suited to this horror-style swamp scene!

"Hulk Green!"

"Hulk Grey!"

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Swamp Hulk!

Here's my latest Hulk piece... inspired by a classic Hulk image from Incredible Hulk Vol.1 #2 (drawn by Jack Kirby with inks by Steve Ditko... very moody stuff!). I decided to draw my version as it would have looked if it appeared in the 1970's Rampaging Hulk Magazine.

A classic image from Incredible Hulk #2. Pencilled by Jack Kirby, and inked
by Steve Ditko.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Marvel Cinematic Universe - Grey Hulk, the Thing and Death's Head

"Kevin Feige? Call my
agent, yes?"
Here are some digital imaginings that I have produced on Photoshop, featuring some characters that I would love to see in Marvel's movies... including the grey incarnation of the Hulk, the ever lovin' blue-eyed Thing from the Fantastic Four and Marvel UK's legendary Bounty Hun-- I mean Freelance Peacekeeping Agent, Death's Head (whom I know a lot of fans would love to see appear on the big screen... the Guardians of the Galaxy section of the MCU would be a perfect place for him to show up!). These images depict how I imagine these characters would look like if they were ever to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe... Hope you like them!

Death's Head - I can actually imagine the
legendary Tom Baker providing the voice!

I wonder if we'll ever see Mark Ruffalo's Bruce
Banner turn into the Grey Hulk... 

Maybe one day we'll see this on the big screen... for me,  it would be the
ultimate Marvel movie moment! 

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Draw Death's Head Day 2K18

It's been awhile, hasn't it?  I really must start posting again more often. Meantime, here's my artwork for this year's Draw Death's Head Day (a yearly tradition on social media which falls on the birthday of Death's Head's creator Simon Furman). I hope you like my contribution... which is a homage to Marvel's Transformers #5.