Sunday, 17 June 2018

Hulk vs Thing... Updated!

In a follow up to my Hulk vs. Thing post (where I proudly brag talk about how my artwork is the first thing that shows up if you type "Hulk vs Thing" into Google... something that still blows my mind considering the legends that have drawn ol' Greenskin fighting bashful Benjy!), I decided to redraw and ink that panel from Spectacular Spider-man Adventures issue 100 ( the original was inked by Simon Ecob). Here it is... hope you Gamma-powered Hulksters and Yancy Street gang yahoos like it!

In the mighty Marvel tradition... the ever lovin'
idol of Yancy Street versus the Green Goliath!
Art and colours by Simon Williams. 

The original panel from Spectacular Spider-man
#100. Pencils by Simon Williams, inks by Simon
Ecob and colours by Maria Keene.