Saturday, 24 March 2012

Happy birthday to the Undertaker... and meeting Mick Foley!

As some of you may know, I'm just a little bit of a wrestling fan! I started watching it back in 1991, and while I don't watch it so much these days, still remain a big fan of what these guys do. I'd like to wish a very happy birthday to the man who is my all-time favourite wrestler, Mr. Mark Calaway.. better known to WWE wrestling fans as the Phenom,  the one and only Undertaker! Happy birthday 'Taker... here's to 20-0 at Wrestlemania!! And don't worry about HBK ruining your match with Triple H... we creatures of the night have got your back!

My own, artistic interpretation of the WWE's UNDERTAKER.
Now, regarding the above picture... this leads me to a recent event which I can honest say was a highlight for me.  I'm very proud to say that the original of the above piece of artwork is now owned by another all-time favourite wrestler of mine, the Hardcore Legend and all-round nice guy Mr. Mick Foley! I presented it to him at Cardiff Glee Club during his his "Nights In Red Flannel" comedy tour this past February. It was a highlight to meet and chat to one of my all-time heroes, and meant a lot to me to be able to give him this work as a thank you for all the years he has entertained me. A long-time comics fan, Mick told me how he has once visited John Buscema's art studio, when the legendary comic artist presented him with an original peace of Thor artwork! Again, it was awesome to get to chat to Mick... definitely a moment I'll never forget!

Mick Foley after I had presented him with two pieces of my
The Hardcore Legend! BIG thanks to Matthew Grant for the
Now... after a post featuring the legendary Mick Foley, I'd be remiss if I didn't end it with his classic catchphrase, so here goes:

Have a nice day!!! (Bang Bang!)