Saturday, 12 March 2011

Another interview, yes?

The upcoming Marvel Heroes Hulk vs Death's Head strip certainly seems to be making a bit of noise in the comics world.... what with the recent Newsarama feature, where Newsaramas Vaneta Rogers interviewed both myself and writer/legend/Death's Head creator Simon Furman about the aforementioned strip.

And now, is featuring an interview with yours truly... where I talk about not only the upcoming Hulk/Death's Head strip, but also why I'm a fan of both characters, plus my work both past and present (future remains to be seen).

I'd like to say a very BIG thank you to Gary M. Miller for not only taking the time to interview me, but also run a review of my original Hulk vs Death's Head strip (which you can read here). Gary has gone out of his way to help get the upcoming strip noticed, and I really appreciate it. Thanks Gary... you're a star, yes? I highly recommend you all go follow Gary's excellent comics blog Delusional Honesty... where he talks all-things Hulk, comics, and Hammer Horror! And you can read the iFanboy interview here (which features an exclusive colour preview of the upcoming Hulk/Death's Head strip!)

And don't forget... Marvel Heroes issue 33 is out very soon, on March 23rd at all good UK newsagents. Not long now, yes?