Friday, 30 September 2011

Marvel Heroes and Spider-Man Annuals 2012

This years MARVEL HEROES and SPIDER-MAN Annuals, published by those fine folks at Panini Comics UK both feature a little dose of Soulmania! Yep, both books feature comics strips by yours truly!

First up is MARVEL HEROES Annual 2012, which features among others, an Incredible Hulk strip of mine.... and is a re-print from MARVEL HEROES #5. I drew this strip wayyy back in 2008, and am still proud of it to this day. I'm doubly thrilled to see it printed in a hard-back format as well. It's a great little story written by James Peaty... and features ol' Greenskin against the forces of Hydra (as seen recently on the big-screen in this years awesome Marvel movie, Captain America: The First Avenger)! Other strips in this awesome annual feature Captain America, a Doctor Strange/Hawkeye team up, Iron Man and a certain web-slinger, who does whatever a spider can!

Which brings us to this years SPIDER-MAN Annual, which features not one, but THREE Spidey strips... reprinted from my work on Panini Comic's SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN ADVENTURES (all inked by Simon Ecob, with colours by the brilliant Jason Cardy)!!
First up there is a Spidey/Thor team up from SPEC SPIDEY#129 (also recently re-printed in MARVEL HEROES #34).. written by Ferg Handley. Then there is the Spidey/Fantastic Four two-parter (as featured in SPEC SPIDEY issues 119 & 120).. written by Mitch Scanlon. Add to that a Spidey/Avengers team-up from SPEC SPIDEY issue 126, and you've got an action-packed annual featuring a multitude of guest-stars!

With Christmas coming up, would make some MARVELous stocking fillers! Both annuals are out now in all good UK bookshops, priced £7.99.